SPR Family Care Grant

Apply for a Family Care Grant!

SPR will provide family care grants (up to $500 per family) for SPR members who have dependents who require childcare, elder care, or care due to disability or illness. The family care grant is intended to support financial need, to help offset the costs of wrap-around care at home accrued during in-person conference attendance, and/or during preparation time directly involved in participating in the conference (e.g., preparing a conference presentation).


Any SPR member with one or more dependents who require childcare, elder care, or care due to disability would be eligible for this grant. Preference will be given to applicants in the early stages of their careers or for whom attending this particular meeting is especially important for professional development (e.g., it is a critical point in the tenure trajectory or a trainee is on the job market).

- Grant recipients must be current members of SPR.

- Grant recipients must attend the 2024 Annual Meeting.

- Only one parent/caregiver for a single family unit may apply.


Application Process:

Applicants should fill out the brief application form by August 16, 2024. Any questions can be directed to Kaylee Walters, SPR Account Manager (kwalters@reesgroupinc.com). 

Reimbursements will be distributed after the Annual Meeting. Each recipient must complete a Reimbursement Form included with the award notification and submit it with scanned original receipts by email no later than 30 days following the event. Reimbursement may be requested for eligible expenses up to the maximum amount of the grant. Expenses that exceed the amount of the award are the sole responsibility of the recipient. All reimbursement funds will be distributed after the meeting.

Examples of Allowable Expenses:

- Care during the Annual Meeting.

- Increased expenses at home incurred because the primary caregiver attended the meeting (for example, overtime at a daycare center, cost of a sitter, etc.)

- Travel for a babysitter/caregiver to come to your home.

- Transportation of a child/children to the caregiver.

- Care during the virtual meeting .

- Increased expenses at home incurred because the primary caregiver attended the meeting (for example, overtime at a daycare center, cost of a sitter, etc.)

- Travel for a babysitter (or family member caregiver) to come to your home.

- Transportation of a child/children to the caregiver.

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