SPR Fellows

The SPR Fellows program honors SPR members who have made substantial, sustained contributions both to the field of psychophysiology and to SPR.


  1.  Eligible are current members who have been a member for at least 3 consecutive years and who are at least 10 years past receipt of their terminal degree. Fellows must have a PhD or equivalent and must have published significant, peer-reviewed research beyond the doctoral dissertation.
  2. Sustained contributions to both psychophysiological research and education and service to SPR and to the field will be primary criteria. All past Presidents are automatically eligible to become fellows. Nominations may be made for others to be considered for fellow status.
  3. The SPR Fellows Committee will review the nominations that have been received by the submission deadline and will send final recommendations to the SPR Board for approval. The committee will be made up of a minimum of three current Fellows.
  4. Election as a SPR Fellow is an honor and all Fellows are expected to meet the commonly held standards of professional ethics and scientific integrity. In the rare case where an elected Fellow no longer meets this expectation, or otherwise fails to merit the continued status of Fellow, the SPR Fellows Committee will consider requests to revoke an individual’s Fellow status. Such requests will be considered for cases of proven scientific misconduct or serious breaches of professional ethics, including sexual misconduct, racial discrimination, or other ethical violations.

To apply, complete the form by May 1.

Class of Fellows (2023)

    • Lauren Bylsma
    • Greg Hajcak
    • Eddie Harmon-Jones
    • Frini Karayanidis
    • Sarah Laszlo
    • Steven Porges
    • Stuart Steinhauer
    • Markus Ullsperger

Class of Fellows (2022)

    • Kimmo Alho
    • Bruce Bartholow
    • Paul Corballis
    • Lisa Gatzke-Kopp
    • Erin Hazlett
    • Christine Larson
    • John Richards

Inaugural Class of Fellows (2021)

    • John J.B. Allen
    • Gary Berntson
    • Terry Blumenthal
    • Jasper Brener
    • Cornelis Brunia
    • Michael Coles
    • Connie C. Duncan
    • Monica Fabiani
    • Kara Federmeier
    • Don Fowles
    • Gabriele Gratton
    • Steven Hackley
    • Alfons Hamm
    • Ursula Hess
    • Steven Hillyard
    • William Iacono
    • J. Richard Jennings
    • Edward Katkin
    • Marta Kutas
    • Robert W. Levenson
    • Ottmar Lipp
    • Gregory A. Miller
    • Christopher Patrick
    • Karen Quigley
    • Julian Thayer
    • Cindy Yee-Bradbury