SPR Bylaws
(amended July, 2020)
- The name of this organization shall be the Society for Psychophysiological Research, hereinafter referred to as the Society.
- The purpose of the Society is to foster research and education on the interrelationships between the physiological and psychological aspects of behavior. Allied disciplines include psychology, physiology, neuroscience, medicine, and engineering. To promote this purpose, the Society publishes scientific literature and holds annual meetings for presentation and discussion of topics such as instrumentation, methodology, experimental results, and theoretical interpretations.
- The Society shall consist of Full Members and Student Members. In subsequent Articles and paragraphs, both groups are referred to as “Members.”
- Qualifications for Membership:
a. Full Members-
- Creditable research done in psychophysiology or related areas, or
- Membership in one of the major associations for psychology, physiology, neuroscience, medicine, or engineering, or
- Interest in psychophysiology, and sponsorship by two Full members of this Society.
b. Student Members
- Interest in psychophysiology or a related area and sponsorship by one Full member of the Society, or
- Student membership in one of the major associations for psychology, physiology, neuroscience, medicine, or engineering, and
- Involvement in psychophysiology or a related area through either enrollment in a predoctoral educational program or employment. Predoctoral status must be certified annually by the individual’s department chair, program director, or employer.
- The amount of the annual dues shall be adjusted by the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board, according to the financial needs of the Society. Annual dues shall be paid before the first month of each fiscal year. Former members may reactivate their membership status after any period of time by paying their dues for the current year.
- Any member who has reached the age of 65 years and has been a member of the Society for 15 or more years shall have Emeritus status and dues reduced to student rates upon informing the Secretary of his/her eligibility. Members who have achieved Emeritus status prior to 1989 will continue to be exempt from paying dues.
- Any member who is within 5 years of having achieved the Ph.D. is qualified for a reduction in annual dues, the amount to be set by the Board.
- The SPR Fellows program honors SPR members who have made substantial, sustained contributions both to the field of psychophysiology and to SPR.
- Eligible are current members who have been a member for at least 3 consecutive years and who are at least 10 years past receipt of their terminal degree. Fellows must have a PhD or equivalent and must have published significant, peer-reviewed research beyond the doctoral dissertation.
- Sustained contributions to both psychophysiological research and education and service to SPR and to the field will be primary criteria. All past Presidents will automatically become fellows. Nominations may be made for others to be considered for fellow status.
- The SPR Fellows Committee will review the nominations that have been received by the submission deadline and will send final recommendations to the SPR Board for approval. The committee will be made up of a minimum of three current Fellows.
- Election as a SPR Fellow is an honor and all Fellows are expected to meet the commonly held standards of professional ethics and scientific integrity. In the rare case where an elected Fellow no longer meets this expectation, or otherwise fails to merit the continued status of Fellow, the SPR Fellows Committee will consider requests to revoke an individual’s Fellow status. Such requests will be considered for cases of proven scientific misconduct or serious breaches of professional ethics, including sexual misconduct, racial discrimination, or other ethical violations.
- The officers of the Society shall be President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer. Only Full members of the Society shall be eligible for nomination as officers of the Society.
- The term of the President-Elect shall be one year, after which s/he shall serve one year as President. As Past President, s/he serves as member of the Board for one year. The Members-at-Large of the Board shall serve for a term of three years with staggered terms. The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for staggered three-year terms, and may serve for two terms. They shall be elected one year prior to assuming office.
- It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Society and to exercise supervision over the affairs of the Society with the approval of the Board. If the President is unable to perform these duties, the President-Elect shall assume the duties of President. If both the President and President-Elect are unable to perform these duties, the Past President will assume the duties of President. If neither President, President-Elect, nor Past President are able to perform these duties, then the Board shall, by majority vote, elect one of its members to assume the duties of President.
- It shall be the duty of the Secretary to serve as the liaison between the Society and its management office, to coordinate the day-to-day operations of the Society, to keep records of Board and Business meetings of the Society, and to arrange for mailings to the membership regarding the annual meetings, elections, and other matters of interest.
- It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have custody of all funds and property of the Society, to coordinate the collection of dues or assessments with the management office, and to make or approve disbursements of Society funds as authorized by the Board. The Treasurer shall act as Chair of the Finance Committee.
- In the case of death, incapacity, or resignation of the President-elect, Secretary or Treasurer, the Board shall, by majority vote, elect a successor to serve until the office can be filled based on regular election procedures described in Article V.
- The Board shall consist of the Past President, the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, and the Treasurer, who shall serve as voting ex-officio members of the Board, the Chair of the Publication Committee (nonvoting), the Chair of the Committee to Promote Student Interests (nonvoting), and six Members-at-Large who shall be elected for staggered terms of three years, except where shorter periods are required to equalize staggering of terms. Only Full members of the Society shall be eligible for nomination to the Board. When there are terms of different lengths to be filled, the longer terms will be filled by the candidate with the most votes.
- In case of a vacancy on the Board, the Board shall fill the vacancy by an interim appointment until a newly elected member can fill the vacancy.
- The Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society. The Board may act either at meetings or by any legal means. An action of the Board shall be effective only if a majority of the Board vote is in favor of it. If it is deemed necessary and appropriate by a majority of Board members or by two-thirds majority vote of the members present at the annual business meeting, specific actions of a continuing policy nature or of sufficient importance will be submitted to the entire membership by any legal means.
- The President of the Society shall be Chair of the Board, and the Secretary shall be secretary of the Board.
- The President, in consultation with the members of the Board, shall appoint such Chairs and members of the committees as are provided in Article VII of these Bylaws.
- The officers of the Society and Board members shall be elected by members of the Society voting by any legal means. The Hare-Clark system of counting ballots shall be used.
- Members will be invited to submit recommendations for nominations to elected offices to the Secretary, who will pass these nominations on to the Nominating Committee after removing any identification of the nominator.
- The Nominating Committee shall select from the group of nominees a slate of willing candidates for President-elect, for each open position on the Board, and for Secretary and Treasurer when one year remains in their terms. The Nominating Committee shall decide the final number of candidates for each open office and Board position, except that the number of candidates shall not be less than three. The Nominating Committee shall consider the number of nominations received from members of the Society for any position as one criterion for developing its slate of candidates. The Nominating Committee may also add nominees beyond those received from the membership, but only by an 80% majority vote of the committee. The Nominating Committee shall submit its slate of candidates to the Board, and the Secretary shall arrange for the mailing of an election ballot to the membership, requesting that all candidates for each position be ranked and that ballots be returned by a specified deadline.
- Election ballots that are returned by the deadline by any legal means shall be certified by the Secretary. The Secretary shall inform the President, who shall promptly notify the elected officers and Board members and identify them at the next annual business meeting.
- New officers and Board members shall assume office at the close of the annual business meeting and shall hold office until their successors are elected and accept office in their stead.
- There shall be at least one annual business meeting of the Society. There may be additional meetings of the Society if the Board or membership so decides.
- Actions taken by members at the annual business meeting or at any additional business meeting duly called by the Board or the membership shall be effective upon a majority vote.
- All Committees are to be chaired either by one person or by two, serving as co-chairs, the decision to be made by the President with the approval of the Board.
- The Committees of the Society shall consist of such standing committees as provided by these Bylaws, and such special committees as established by majority vote of the membership of the Society or by majority vote of the Board. All members of standing committees will be Society members unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws. Committees shall serve for the term of the President unless specific provisions have been made in the Bylaws for a longer term.
- The Membership Committee shall consist of two members, who may serve as co-chairs, appointed by the President with the approval of the Board. The Chair(s) shall serve for a term of three years.The Membership Committee shall review all applications received during the year and present those recommended for membership in the Society at its annual business meeting. Membership is achieved upon the majority vote of the members voting at the annual meeting and by payment of dues.
- The Program Committee shall be a standing committee designated by the President consisting of the Chair(s) and as many members, appointed by the Chair(s), as s/he believes necessary to assure adequate and timely reviews of the papers and symposia submitted. To provide continuity and experience, these members should include, when possible, the next and the previous Program Committee Chairs. The tenure of the Committee is one year.
- The Convention Sites Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of co-chairs, designated by the President, to serve for up to four years, with the possibility of an extended term if necessary to finalize arrangements for a specific meeting. One co-chair will have primary responsibility for the North American meetings and the other co-chair will have primary responsibility for meetings held outside of North America. Terms for the co-chairs will be staggered, with timing determined by the President to ensure adequate planning time for the upcoming non North American meeting. In addition to the co-chairs, the Convention Sites Committee will consist of a number of members of the Society, chosen by the President in consultation with the co-chairs, with encouragement to represent the breadth of the Society, to serve for staggered terms of variable duration to ensure year-to-year continuity, but terms not to exceed four years; the Secretary of the Society, ex-officio; and a convention representative from the management office, ex-officio. The duties of the Convention Sites Committee shall be to recommend sites for future conventions, locate appropriate hotels, and to suggest necessary arrangements, which can then be presented to the Board for approval.
- The Publication Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of a Chair and three members of the Society appointed by the President with the approval of the Board. Members of the editorial board ofPsychophysiology shall not serve on this committee. The Chair shall serve for three years, and if not a member of the Board he/she shall serve as a non-voting member of the Board. The other committee members shall serve for three-year staggered terms. The Publication Committee Chair shall act, with the advice and assistance of the full committee, as liaison among the Board, the Editor, and the Publisher of the journal, Psychophysiology. The Publications Committee also conducts the search for the Editor of the journal and makes a recommendation to the Board when that position becomes available. Voting may be done by any legal means.
- The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chair and four members of the Society appointed annually by the President, with the approval of the Board. During their term of office, neither appointed nor elected officers of the Society, including the Board, may serve on the Nominating Committee. No member of the Society may be appointed to the Nominating Committee more often than once in every three years. The Committee’s duty shall be to compile a full slate of candidates for each open elective office and position on the Board, based on nominations from the membership, as described in Article V.
- The Ethical Principles Committee shall be a standing committee including at least one person appointed by the President with the approval of the Board to serve a three-year term as Chair. As specific issues arise requiring the attention of the Ethical Principles Committee, whether through recommendations of the membership, the Board, the President, or the Chair, the President shall appoint two additional members, in consultation with the Chair, to serve one-year terms from the date of appointment, or until the enlarged Committee has resolved the issue(s) for which it was formed.The duties of the Committee shall be to report to the Board for recommendations to the Society, identification and review of issues concerning standards of conduct for workers in the field of psychophysiology, and formulation of public positions on ethically relevant matters. As part of its continuing task, the Committee may develop guidelines for ethical conduct. It bears emphasis that the Ethical Principles Committee will not make recommendations concerning, or deal directly with, alleged infractions of any specific member of the Society. Such specific cases of alleged infractions will only be used by the Ethical Principles Committee to aid in its continuing formulations of general guidelines for ethical conduct. If questions or allegations of possibly unethical professional conduct by a member are brought to the Committee, they will immediately advise the President, who will advise the Board. With the approval of the Board, the Committee will, through discussion with the member, attempt to determine whether unethical professional behavior has occurred, and notify the Board. If such behavior has occurred, either the Board or the Committee with the Board’s approval will communicate with the member in order to persuade or educate him/her to adopt professional practices more in keeping with ethical guidelines.
- The Senior Award Committee shall be a standing committee and shall consist of the Past President, the President and the President-Elect. It shall be the duty of this committee to determine each year whether any awards for Distinguished Contributions to Psychophysiology shall be made and, if so, to whom.
- The Bylaws Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of a Chair and at least two other members, appointed by the President with the approval of the Board, to serve three-year staggered terms. The appointed Chair will have had at least one year’s experience as a member of the SPR Board. The duties of the committee shall be to report to the Board detailed changes in Bylaws recommended by the Board. In addition, the committee shall bring to the attention of the Board the fact that certain Bylaws may no longer be adequate or appropriate.
- The Archives Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of a Chair and at least two other members, appointed by the President with the approval of the Board, to serve three-year staggered terms.. The task of the committee is the collection and preservation of archival material which is relevant to the Society’s history. Examples of this material are programs of annual meetings, listings of members of the Society, and taped recollections of original members concerning the Society’s origins and scientific foci. As part of the process of selecting archival material to be preserved, the committee is empowered to exclude items prior to archiving which it judges to be of no historical value to the Society.
- The Early Career Award Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of a Chair and three members of the Society appointed by the President with the approval of the Board. The term of the Chair shall be for three years, and the members shall also serve for three-year staggered terms. Each year, the duties of the committee shall be to solicit nominations for possible recipients of the Early Career Award, to evaluate the qualifications of the nominees, and to inform the President of the winners (if any) of the Award.
- The Student Poster Award Committee: These annual awards aim to promote excellence in predoctoral research in psychophysiology. The Committee shall be a standing committee composed of the Past President who will serve as the Chair, and a number of members sufficient to accomplish the committee’s goals. Among these, one will be a member of the current Program Committee. The additional members are to be appointed by the President in consultation with the Past-President, and with the approval of the Board, and will serve one-year terms.Each year the Committee shall select posters to receive SPR Student Poster Awards, with the option to designate some of these as SPR Outstanding Student Poster Awards. To be eligible for either of these awards, the first author must be a student who has not received her/his Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree at the time of the deadline for abstract submission for the annual meeting and who is an SPR member (or has applied for membership).
- The Education and Training Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of a Chair and at least two members of the Society appointed by the President with the approval of the Board. The terms of the Chair and members shall be for three years but shall be staggered and modified to ensure year-to-year continuity. It is desirable that the appointed Chair will have had at least one year’s experience as a member of the Committee.The duties of the Committee shall be to evaluate the education and training needs of members of the Society on an ongoing basis, to sponsor special training sessions as needed, and to facilitate the regular exchange of ideas among members regarding the teaching of psychophysiology at undergraduate and graduate levels.
- The Committee to Promote Student Interests shall be a standing committee consisting of a Chair, designated by the President, to serve for three years, and a minimum of five other members, including at least two student members and two regular members of the Society. Committee members shall be appointed by the Chair; student members will serve two-year staggered terms, and nonstudent members will serve three-year staggered terms. The Committee shall act to monitor the extent to which the Society is addressing the needs and interest of its student members, and to act as liaison between student members and the Board. The Chair shall serve as an ex-officio (nonvoting) member of the Board.
- The Public Relations Committee shall be a standing committee that acts to coordinate how SPR interfaces with the public generally. Specifically, the committee will be responsible for creating or vetting website content for the webmaster to post as well as overseeing society-related press releases such as for the annual meeting and for issues of our journal.The committee shall consist of a Chair and a number of members sufficient to accomplish the committee’s goals. The Chair will be appointed by the President to serve a term of three years. The President will appoint new members to the committee in consultation with the Chair. Member terms shall be three years and will be staggered for continuity of effort and expertise. The committee Chair and members shall be nominated by the President and approved by the Board.Ex-officio members of the Public Relations Committee shall include: the SPR Webmaster, the current Program Committee Chair, the Journal Editor, a representative of the Committee to Promote Student Interests, and a representative of the Education and Training Committee.
- The Finance Committee shall be a standing committee composed of the current Treasurer who will serve as the Chair, and two other committee members nominated by the President and approved by the Board. The finance representative from the management office shall serve on the Finance Committee as an ex-officio member. The members shall be drawn from individuals who have or are willing to develop the expertise required to provide investment advice to the Board. The committee members shall serve for three-year staggered terms. The Finance Committee shall provide advice to the Board about SPR’s investments using the guidelines set out by the Finance Policy.
- The Committee on Women in Psychophysiology shall be a standing committee consisting of a Chair, and a number of members sufficient to accomplish the committee’s goals. The Chair will be appointed by the President to serve a term of three years. The President will appoint new members to the committee in consultation with the Chair, with membership to include at least one member each from the Committee to Promote Student Interests and the Membership Committee. Member terms shall be three years, unless otherwise required to ensure staggered terms for continuity of effort. The committee Chair and members shall be nominated by the President and approved by the Board. The President shall also appoint one of the elected members of the Board to serve a one-year renewable term as an ex-officio member of the committee for the purpose of facilitating communication with the Board. The Committee shall focus on supporting the careers of women in psychophysiology and enhancing recruitment and retention of women in the Society.
- The Diversity and Outreach Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of two co- Chairs, plus a number of members sufficient to accomplish the committee’s goals. The co-chairs and members will be appointed by the President to serve a term of three years each, with new appointments staggered to ensure continuity of effort. One co-chair will emphasize outreach to under-represented groups in North America and Western Europe, and the other will emphasize outreach to countries under-represented at SPR. The President will appoint new members to the committee in consultation with the co-chairs. These appointments shall be approved by the Board. In consultation with the Board, the Committee’s focus shall be to promote sociocultural and geographic diversity in SPR’s membership and in the field of psychophysiology, enhancing inclusion of groups historically under-represented in science, and/or facing structural barriers to pursuit of their scientific careers. The committee shall aim to facilitate activities that encourage psychophysiologists from under-represented backgrounds and countries to present their research at the annual Society meeting, and publish their research in the Society’s journal, Psychophysiology.
- Any potential gift or endowment of significant monetary value shall be referred to the Board for consideration of whether it should be accepted.
- The Board shall, by majority vote, determine whether any conditions and/or stipulations associated with accepting a gift or endowment are inconsistent with the purpose of the Society as given in Article I, Section 2. If the Board finds that any conditions and/or stipulations are inconsistent with the purpose of the Society, the Board will not accept the gift or endowment for the Society.
- Upon acceptance of a gift or endowment for the Society, the Board, by majority vote, shall determine a mechanism for administration of the gift or endowment which is consistent with both the purpose of the Society and any conditions/stipulations of the gift or endowment.
- Should the Society cease to exist as an entity as given in Article I, then any remaining funds from gifts or endowments shall be transferred to the remaining premier scientific society for psychophysiological research in accordance with any conditions and/or stipulations associated with the original bequests.
- Amendments may be proposed by a majority of a quorum of the members of the Society at a business meeting or by a majority of the Board or by a petition by at least 10% of the members of the Society. Upon notification of a properly proposed amendment, the Secretary shall arrange for a ballot containing the proposal to be sent to all members. An amendment is adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members voting by any legal means before the specified deadline.