Grants & Awards

Trainee Poster Awards

Each year at the Annual Meeting, several posters authored by trainees are chosen for the Trainee Poster Award.

Update 06/20/24: Suggested methods and processes for determining recipients of the SPR Trainee Poster Award
This report attempts to start a document with standardized processes and methods that hopefully can be refined by future committees. The goal of the proposed methods and processes is to heighten transparency, increase the clarity of the process for the committee members themselves, and maintain/increase fairness. The intended audience is future program committees and trainee poster award committees as well as future past-presidents of SPR, who traditionally are in charge of selecting posters, judging them, and determining the winners. 


    • You must be the first author on a poster submission.
    •  You must not have received a PhD, MD, or PsyD at the time of submission.
    • You must be a trainee member of SPR, or apply for membership by April 26, 2024.


Please note the requirement that you must be an SPR member or have applied for membership by April 26. The reason for this is that the committee must be able to identify clearly which trainee members are eligible for consideration in order to plan the review and judging of the posters. For this reason, it is not possible to consider trainees who join SPR at the time of on-site conference registration.


To be considered, simply submit an abstract for a poster presentation at the Annual Meeting by the submission deadline of April 26.

Award Criteria

The Program Committee will pre-select several dozen posters, based on the submitted abstracts. One or more judges from the Trainee Poster Award Committee will review each candidate’s abstract and have a conversation with the trainee author. In reviewing the poster, the committee will look for a clear statement of the research problem; sound methods and statistical analysis; the appropriateness and clarity of figures and graphics; and a concise and well-organized presentation. Additional criteria will include the trainee’s grasp of the findings and the ability to describe the work to both non-experts and experts.

*Formerly the Student Poster Award

View the poster winners from previous years.


Application for the Research Training Grant

The Education and Training Committee and the Committee to Promote Student Interests are pleased to announce that SPR will once again provide Research Fellowship Training Awards. The award will allow students or postdocs to obtain mentorship/training in psychophysiological assessment/analysis with experts in the field, which they could not get at their home institution. This could involve travel to a remote site or travel expenses for a remote mentor to visit the applicant’s lab. Each applicant may include a budget of up to $5,000.00 U.S. (although smaller budgeted applications are encouraged and would allow for more applications to be funded). Up to $500 of these funds can be used to defray SPR conference travel costs. Applications are short (3-5 pages) but require that applicants, mentors and proposed training sponsors also submit biosketches.

Eligibility: Preference for the award will be given to applicants, their current mentors and their proposed training sponsors who are active members of SPR, or who have a history of affiliation with SPR (e.g., previous membership, attendance at previous SPR meetings). However, all students or postdocs interested in obtaining mentorship/training in psychophysiology are encouraged to apply.

2024  Family Care Grant

To improve support to SPR meeting attendees with significant family care responsibilities, SPR is once again offering small family care grants (up to $500 per family) for SPR members with dependents requiring childcare, elder care, or care due to disability.

For more information and to apply see our Family Care Grant webpage.

SPR Travel Award

The goal of the SPR Travel Awards is to recognize the next generation of psychophysiological scholars by supporting their ability to participate in the Society’s annual meeting.

The SPR Travel Awards specifically aim to assist individuals who are early in their career and would not be able to attend the meeting without funding from the Travel Awards program. Resources provided by your graduate institution as well as degree to which your research integrates psychophysiology and could expand the scope of the society are considered.

We seek to make awards to individuals who will develop a strong commitment to SPR and envision themselves contributing to the Society in their future careers.

For more information and to apply, please visit the SPR Travel Award Page

The Society also gives two awards for significant early career and distinguished contributions to psychophysiology:

Awards for Distinguished Early Career Contributions to Psychophysiology

The Early Career Award is given to a member of SPR who has made noteworthy contributions to the field of psychophysiology. The period of eligibility is 8 years following completion of doctoral training (with an extension of two years for those with career interruptions according to the eligibility requirements listed within the call for nominations). Nominations are sought annually from SPR members.

How to Apply.

View the winners from previous years.

Awards for Distinguished Contributions to Psychophysiology

The Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychophysiology is the highest honour given by the Society for Psychophysiological Research. It is given to an individual to recognize a sustained and distinguished contribution to Psychophysiology. It is awarded by the Senior Award Committee which consists of the Past President, the President and the President-Elect. Nominations for the award can be made by members of the Society and submitted to the President. This committee determines each year whether and to whom any such awards shall be made.

View the winners from previous years.