Past Award Recipients

The Society gives two awards for distinguished contributions to psychophysiology:


The Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychophysiology is the highest honor given by the Society for Psychophysiological Research. It is given to an individual to recognize a sustained and distinguished contribution to Psychophysiology. It is awarded by the Senior Award Committee which consists of the Past President, the President and the President-Elect. Nominations for the award can be made by members of the Society and submitted to the President. This committee determines each year whether and to whom any such awards shall be made.

View the winners from previous years.


The Early Career Award is given to a member of SPR who has made noteworthy contributions to the field of psychophysiology. The period of eligibility is 8 years following completion of doctoral training. Nominations are sought annually from SPR members.

View the winners from previous years.


Each year at the annual conference, several posters authored by students are chosen for the Student Poster Award.

View the poster winners from previous years.

Research Training Grant

The Education and Training Committee and the Committee to Promote Student Interests are pleased to announce that SPR will once again provide Research Fellowship Training Awards. These awards enable students and postdocs to obtain mentored training in psychophysiological methods that is necessary for the applicant’s future research goals, but which is not available at the applicant’s home institution. Thus, applicants should propose a training plan that includes one or more outside sponsors who are experts in the chosen psychophysiological methods. These awards may facilitate in-person training through a visit to the sponsor’s laboratory, as well are remote training through virtual meetings with the sponsors.

Eligibility: Preference for the award will be given to applicants, their current mentors and their proposed training sponsors who are active members of SPR, or who have a history of affiliation with SPR (e.g., previous membership, attendance at previous SPR meetings). However, all students or postdocs interested in obtaining mentorship/training in psychophysiology are encouraged to apply.

Learn more about Research Training Grants