“Psychophys Is” 90-second Video Competition
(submission Deadline Extended to October 1, 2024)
Submissions are ongoing–check out videos submitted HERE!
The ability to quickly and effectively communicate about the importance of our work to a non-scientific audience is so important in a world where there is an increasing distrust of science. Being able to communicate at an accessible level is critical for motivating public interest in funding (e.g., congress) and participating in (e.g., community partners) research.
Who: Participation is open to everyone, whether SPR members or not. Submissions can reflect the work of teams or a single individual. At the point of submission, you will be asked to provide the names and contributions of all co-contributors to the project.
What: Videos should be NO LONGER than 90 seconds and should strive to explain an aspect of psychophysiological research to a general audience. Topics can focus on what is important about the work going on in your lab (e.g., “When we hear the word ‘stress’ we usually think of it as a bad thing- but stress can actually help you focus attention on what matters by tuning out distractions….) or explain a method with broad applications (e.g., How skin conductance is used in lie detection; why pupil dilation gives insight into emotional state; what does your Fitbit really know about your stress levels?)
Some examples of videos of this nature can be found in the links below, but different formats are welcome- let your creativity shine!
Why: Videos can serve many functions including: increasing awareness of your work among potential collaborators; an informational resource for prospective research participants to understand more about the goals behind the work; making science accessible to the general public and to trainees to inspire them to pursue careers in science. Not enough incentive? There are also CASH PRIZES!
Where: Once your video is prepared you will complete a submission form (here). Contributors do not need to appear in the video but should have directly contributed to the production of the video- not just the science being discussed. Please use .mp4 format. Your video will be posted on the SPR website.
When: Videos will be posted on the website as they arrive. Entries submitted prior to October 1, 2024, will be eligible for the competition. Prizes will be awarded for 1st ($1,000), 2nd ($500) and 3rd ($200) place submissions. Awards will be announced at the annual SPR Business luncheon, via social media, and featured on the SPR website.
Evaluation of videos:
Judging will be conducted by a panel of individuals appointed by the Board of Directors and including at least 2 individuals with no scientific background. Criteria are described below:
- Content captures viewers’ interest
- Content presents accurate information
- Terms and explanations are accessible to a non-scientific audience
- Content is relevant to Psychophysiology
For further information, please contact Lisa Gatzke-Kopp <lmk18@psu.edu>.