SPR Members may access this webpage for past webinar recordings.
The Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) presents:
SPR Oscillation Webinar: Frequency-domain analyses of EEG and MEG data: From mathematical foundations to implementation and publication
Douglas Angus, Emily Kappenman, Andreas Keil, & Chris Panitz. Click here for speaker bios.
Register Now or SPR’s upcoming webinar:
Oscillation webinar
This webinar gives a short 5-hour introduction into concepts underlying frequency-domain and time-frequency domain analyses that are now widely used in basic, translational, and clinical electrophysiology, in humans and animal models. We start out by discussing some of the mathematical foundations needed for planning and correctly implementing frequency-domain analyses, using examples in matlab (several examples also available in python). All code and example data will be shared with participants to enable them to follow along and ask questions. Specific requirements for preprocessing and implementation are then addressed, along with recommendations for manuscript writing and publication, including data and code sharing. Speakers give specific examples for data preprocessing, spectral analysis of periodic and non-periodic activity, and time-frequency analyses. The webinar aims to be helpful to participants at all levels of experience and everybody is welcome to attend and contribute questions and comments on this growing and interesting field of research. The webinar will be held twice to accommodate US/European as well as Asian/Pacific time zones. Free for SPR members.
When: Live Sessions will be held on Monday, June 26 from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET OR Tuesday, June 27 from 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. ET
Time: You will choose which Live Session you’d like to attend!
SPR Members may register at no cost. Be sure to log-in to receive members-only pricing.
Non-member fees:
- Non-Member Professional: $110
- Non-Member Early Career: $82
- Non-Member Student/PostDoc/PostBacc: $38
- Non-Member Emeritus/Retired: $38
Please note that the non-member rates are the same fees as joining SPR as a member!
Steps: First, register through our website here. You will then receive an email with links to register for your choice of Live Sessions on Zoom. Please complete the registration form on Zoom to access the join link.
Questions? Please email Ashley Haan, SPR Account Director.