The Education and Training Committee and the Committee to Promote Student Interests are pleased to announce that SPR will once again provide Research Fellowship Training Awards. These awards enable students and postdocs to obtain mentored training in psychophysiological methods that is necessary for the applicant’s future research goals, but which is not available at the applicant’s home institution. Thus, applicants should propose a training plan that includes one or more outside sponsors who are experts in the chosen psychophysiological methods. These awards may facilitate in-person training through a visit to the sponsor’s laboratory, as well are remote training through virtual meetings with the sponsors.
Applicants may propose a budget of up to $5,000 USD. Smaller budgeted applications are encouraged and would allow for more applications to be funded. Awards are intended to support the direct costs of training with the proposed sponsors.
Allowable costs include the following:
- Travel and lodging for in-person training activities. This could include a visit to the sponsor’s institution, as well as hosting the sponsor for a visit to the applicant’s institution.
- Childcare costs to provide protected time for training activities.
- Partial coverage of the applicant’s salary to provide protected time for training activities (e.g., summer support).
- Licenses for software that is necessary for the proposed training (e.g., statistical or signal processing software).
Awardees are expected to attend the SPR Annual Meeting to formally accept the award at the Business Luncheon. Awardees are also strongly encouraged to present their research findings at the SPR Annual Meeting the following year. Up to $500 of the award funds may be allocated to support attendance at the SPR Annual Meeting.
These awards generally do not support the purchase of research equipment, instrumentation, or compensation for research participants. These awards are not intended to support attendance at other scientific meetings or workshops, although if these are necessary components of the broader training plan they may be included in the budget for consideration. Indirect costs or institutional overhead are not supported.
Eligibility and Review Criteria
Applicants must be graduate students or postdoctoral researchers that are in good standing at their home institution at the time of submission. Preference will be given to applicants and sponsors who are active members of SPR. However, all students or postdocs interested in obtaining mentored training in psychophysiology are encourage to apply. Applications will be reviewed based on the quality of the proposed research, training plan, and training environment.
Grant Timeline
- Applications are due May 17, 2024.
- Winners will be announced mid-June.
- Fellowship can begin as early as July 1, 2024, and must be started by the time of the 2024 SPR annual meeting (October 23-26, 2024).
- Duration of the award is one year.
To Apply
Please download this pdf: APPLICATION FORM
1) Fill out the pdf form, save it, and upload it in the field listed in the application form below.
2) Fill out the rest of this online form below and submit.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Dr. Peter Clayson
Department of Psychology
University of South Florida
- Heather Soder, University of South Florida, USA
- Matthias Sperl, University of Marburg, Germany
- Martin Hochheimer, University of Würzburg, Germany
- Hannah Lawrence, University of Maine, USA
- Huase Lin, University of Toronto, Canada
- Christopher Brush, Rutgers University, USA
- Mona El-Hout, University of South Florida, USA
- Keanan Joyner, Florida State University, USA
- Richard Ward, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
- Daylin Gongora Lleonart, Cuban Neuroscience Center, Cuba
- Michelle Thai, University of Minnesota, USA
- Yuri Pavlov, University of Teubingen, Germany
- Enes Avcu, University of Delaware, USA
- David Cole, Utah State University, USA
- Madison Chandler, Michigan State University, USA
- Andrew Farkas, University of Georgia, USA
- Sara LoTemplio, University of Utah, USA
- Emily Perkins, Florida State University, USA
- Shai Porat, University of Southern California, USA
The Research Training Grants were placed on hold in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Jenna Johnson, University of Newcastle
- Anna-Lena Tebbe, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
- Nicholas Ware, University of Newcastle
- Carola DELL’ACQUA, University of Padua, Italy
- Rachel FERRY, Stony Brook University, USA
- Anna MARKSER, University of Cologne, Germany
- Kaia SARGENT, University of California Los Angles, USA