The goal of the SPR Travel Awards is to recognize early career members (including student or post-bac researchers) who represent the next generation of psychophysiological scholars and support their ability to participate in the Society’s Annual Meeting. The SPR Travel Awards specifically aim to assist members who would not be able to attend the meeting without funding from the Travel Awards program. In addition, if applicants envision continued commitment to SPR in their future careers, and/or that their research will expand the scope of the society by integrating new research areas, they are encouraged to describe this.
While the program is open to all early career members, we are committed to supporting members with identities that have been historically underrepresented in academic contexts. Each year a representative proportion of awards will be allotted for individuals with identities that have been historically underrepresented in academia.
Up to 30 awards will be made each year, 15 from the same continent as the meeting location and 15 from continents other than that of the meeting location. The award package includes:
Funds to defray additional travel costs. This will be $600 for those traveling from the same continent as the meeting location and $1200 for those traveling from a different continent.
Complementary registration to attend the Saturday business luncheon, and recognition to all Award winners at this event
Complementary registration to the Committee to Promote Student Interests/Education & Training Committee Luncheon
Waived conference registration for one additional meeting during the two years following this meeting (e.g., if awarded for 2024 meeting, free registration for either the 2025 or 2026 meeting).
Must be a member of SPR by the time of the meeting
Student awardees must not yet have a doctoral level degree at the time of the meeting (e.g., be a current doctoral student, undergraduate student or postbaccalaureate researcher).
Early Career Researcher awardees must be within 10 years of receiving their doctoral degree (An extension on this timeline can be requested due to childbirth or other extenuating circumstances).
Awardees must demonstrate a commitment to incorporating psychophysiology into their research.
Awards are dedicated to support members who would not otherwise be able to attend. Applicants for the travel award will be required to provide a statement of expected costs and how much is covered by other sources. This will need to be verified with their advisor.
Awardees are expected to attend the entire meeting and be present for the business luncheon, to be recognized for the award.
Awardees who are unable to attend the full SPR meeting will forfeit the award.
Priority will be given to members who have been accepted to provide a oral presentation at the conference (e.g., symposium talk, faces of the future, or poster presentation).
Priority will be given to members who have not previously received an SPR travel award.
Applicants will be chosen primarily based on need and stated commitment to SPR and psychophysiology, as described in the required statement.
To apply, please submit the following by July 1, 2024:
Completed online form (at the end of this webpage), providing information about your institution and demographics
Current CV
One 500-word or less statement that describes:
Career goals, including planned use of psychophysiology in your work
Reason for wanting to attend the SPR meeting and how attendance at the meeting and ongoing membership in SPR will facilitate your career goals
A statement of your financial need, and detailed breakdown of cost of attending SPR and available support from other sources (with a signature from advisor).
A certain proportion of travel awards each year will be allotted for members with underrepresented identities, as indicated on the online application form.
Documentation from the advisor (e.g., a brief letter) is required that describes what other funds are available to you, to cover expenses for travel and lodging associated with attendance at the meeting. Please upload this signed documentation in the online submission form at the bottom of this webpage.
Applications will be reviewed by the Education and Training Committee, with representation from the Diversity and Outreach Committee. Applicants will be notified on or before August 5, 2024. Please note that awards will be granted in the form of travel cost reimbursements.
Applicants selected for an award must confirm that they will attend the meeting. If you are selected but unable to attend, please inform us so that the award can be offered to another member.