Job Listings
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Alcohol and Addiction Research, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri
The Department of Psychological Sciences, at the University of Missouri, (MU) has up to TWO openings for POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWS IN ALCOHOL AND ADDICTIONS RESEARCH.
Postdoctoral research fellows will undertake advanced training in addictions and pursue their own research interests under the supervision of one or more faculty preceptors. The positions are funded through an NIH Institutional Training grant (only US citizens and permanent residents can be considered) or by the University of Missouri (without residency limitations). Doctoral candidates and recent Ph.D.’s interested in research opportunities offered by the training grant faculty (and described in the faculty pages of this website) are encouraged to contact us for more information. Information on postdoctoral traineeship stipends and requirements, including service payback, is available here and here.
The training faculty have diverse interests in a number of sub-disciplines of psychological science. Trainees can work in the areas of behavioral pharmacology (Denis McCarthy, Bruce Bartholow, Ken Sher), behavioral and molecular genetics (Wendy Slutske, Ian Gizer), quantitative methods (Doug Steinley, Clint Davis-Stober, Phil Wood), nosology and comorbidity (Tim Trull, Ken Sher, Doug Steinley, Tom Piasecki, Wendy Slutske), ambulatory/ecological assessment (Tom Piasecki, Tim Trull), personality and individual differences (Tim Trull, Ken Sher, Wendy Slutske), developmental approaches (Ian Gizer, Ken Sher, Phil Wood), decision making (Clint Davis-Stober, Denis McCarthy), and psychophysiology (Bruce Bartholow, Tim Trull, Ken Sher). These positions are for up to three years of training and can begin on or after July 1, 2021. Review of applications will begin on Dec 1, 2020, and will be evaluated on a rolling basis. Send a vita, up to 5 representative reprints, a cover letter describing your research interests and training goals (2-4 pages), a diversity statement describing how you incorporate diversity into your research and scholarship (1-2 pages), and 3 letters of reference to: Addiction Research Training, c/o Carol Waudby, Dept. of Psychological Sciences, 200 S. 7th Street, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211,, 573-882-1682. For more information, please contact Ken Sher (PI) at or Denis McCarthy at
The University of Missouri does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, disability, status as disabled veteran, or veteran of Vietnam era.
Research Assistant Position, Center for Neurodevelopmental and Imaging Research, Kennedy Krieger Institute
This is a full time position in a well-established clinical research center focused on the study of neural mechanisms underlying developmental disorders such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and Tourette syndrome. In this role RAs process and analyze psychophysiology (skin conductance, heart rate), neuroimaging (including structural, DTI and fMRI data) and behavioral data (including the development of processing pipelines), and work directly with participants in the collection of data. Additionally, RAs have the opportunity to present at scientific conferences as well as contribute to and lead author manuscripts.
Responsibilities for this position may include:
- Preprocessing and analysis of psychophysiological data including skin conductance, heart rate and electrogoniometer data
- Assists with research participant psychophysical testing, scoring, coding, and verifying research data.
- Works as part of a research team to carry out and analyze anatomical and diffusion tensor MRI data.
- Maintains research databases to keep track of data archiving and analysis.
- Performs single subject and group analysis of neuroimaging, behavioral and physiological data.
- Manages archives of ongoing brain scan study data. Archives unprocessed quantitative data, and generates and compiles statistical data.
- Assists with administering anatomical and/or functional MRI scans and mock scans.
- Assists with TMS administration, electrogoniometer finger sequencing and EEG sessions.
- Oversees the work of undergraduate students involved in behavior and anatomic MRI data coding and analysis.
- Attends weekly research meetings involving, but not limited to, grant preparation, manuscript preparation, quality control issues, and protocol development or revision.
- Enhances professional growth and development through case conferences, educational programs, in-service meetings, workshops, conferences, and seminars.
Required Skills & Abilities:
- A basic understanding of neuroscience, physiology and human subjects experimentation
- Working knowledge and prior experience with processing and analysis of psychophysiology data particularly skin conductance, heart rate or other waveform data.
- Proficiency with MATLAB scripting and/or AcqKnowledge suite scripting
- Excellent communication, interpersonal and training skills
- Ability to establish, maintain and communicate operational procedures
- Supervisory skills and ability to monitor the performance of others (i.e. student interns) and provide feedback
- The ability to work in a dynamic environment and problem solve in real-time using good judgment
- Strong data collection, analysis and quality assurance skills
- Ability to install and maintain hardware and software used for neuroimaging analysis and stimulus presentation and behavioral measures in neuroimaging experiments
- The ability to effectively interact with a diverse group of students, faculty, staff and research subjects
- Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite
- A working knowledge of MRI methods, especially those related to structural, diffusion, and functional brain imaging a plus, but not required
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a science related field (e.g., biology, neuroscience, psychology, biomedical engineering, computer science, or physics).
- Must have at least one (1) year experience working in a research laboratory. This does not have to be paid (i.e., could be as part of undergraduate degree)
Interested applications should send a copy of a curriculum vitae or resume to Deana Crocetti at
Posted: May 24, 2018
Project Coordinator – Austin, TX
A Project Coordinator is being sought for a private neuromarketing and media research company headquartered in Austin, Texas ( MediaScience® conducts research for major television and media companies such as ESPN, ABC, Facebook, and Hulu, as well as national advertisers. We apply the rigor of experimental research to the evaluation of various media and advertising platforms using a variety of research tools and methods including psychophysiology, eye tracking, facial coding, reaction time, and survey.
MediaScience® is looking for a Project Coordinator who is responsible for managing media research studies from start to finish. A Master’s degree in Psychology (or related field) is preferred but not required.
- Schedule and lead study planning meetings
- Monitor study preparation to ensure deadlines are met
- Design surveys
- Direct lead scientists in data analytic strategies
- Identify trends in research findings
- Compile research findings into industry-friendly final reports to be delivered to clients
- Provide deadlines for various teams related to each stage of the project
- Help design online survey instruments
- Extensive experience conducting experimental research
- Project management experience
- Experience analyzing data and interpreting results
- Strong PowerPoint skills; data visualization skills a plus
- Survey design experience
- Strong communication skills and ability to multi-task
- Meticulous attention to detail
- A professional demeanor and positive attitude
- Applicants with experience in psychophysiology, eye tracking, facial coding, and/or reaction time measures will be strongly considered for the position (but this experience is not required)
Pay and Hours
The Project Coordinator is a full-time position and will be scheduled for 40 hours per week. Pay is commensurate with experience. A variety of benefits are available and include medical, dental, vision, 401k, gym membership, and more.
Applicants are currently being considered to immediately fill one full-time position. If you are interested, please email the following to with “Project Coordinator” in the job description:
- Why you are interested in this position
- Your resume or C.V.
- Start date (Immediate opening)
Posted: May 2, 2018
PhD positions in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience
The Brainlab-Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group invites applications for several 3-year PhD contracts (FI/FPU)
Project 1. This project is part of an ambitious research program addressing the encoding of speech sounds in the newborn’s brain, and will be carried out in collaboration with the Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Children’s Hospital. The goal of this program is to stablished the Frequency-Following Response (FFR) as a potential biomarker of language achievement, reading abilities and neurodevelopmental success in babies born at risk for neurocognitive impairment, with fetal growth restriction or prematurity.
Project 2. This project departs from our recent finding that the serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) is involved in the accurate neuronal encoding of speech sounds. This project aims at characterizing the functional significance of genetic advantage in efficient speech encoding as well as the underlying neurocognitive mechanisms.
Candidates must have a Master’s degree in neuroscience, clinical linguistics, psychology, cognitive sciences, biology, biomedicine, engineering or related field
The successful candidates will join the PhD Program in Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona though a competitive and prestigious Spanish FPU or Catalan FI fellowships.
- EU citizenship
- 300 ECTS completed (at least 60 ECTS in a Master degree)
- the highest academic marks
- computer skills (e.g., Matlab, Phyton, Praat)
Applicants should send
- a letter of motivation
- CV
- an official transcript of grades (in ECTS format) by email to Dr. Carles Escera at [subject: PhD – Escera]
Posted: April 25, 2018
- Research Assistant (PhD Student)
The Department of Psychology, Differential and Personality Psychology lab (Prof. Dr. Erik Müller), of the University of Marburg (Germany) is now accepting applications for a
Research Assistant
(PhD student).
The position is offered for a period of 3 years, provided that no former times of qualification must be considered. The starting date is June 1st or later. The position is part-time (50 % of regular working hours) with salary and benefits corresponding to a public service position in the state Hesse, Germany (TV-H E 13, 50%). After 1,5 years, an increase in working hours to 65% is possible.
Duties include scientific services in research and teaching, particularly planning and executing (biopsychological) Personality Research, as well as publishing the results of this research. Further duties are the supervision of bachelor and master theses, support in administrative matters, technical and organizational work in and around the lab, participation in the acquisition of third-party funds, as well as teaching in the field of Differential Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics.
The position is limited to a period deemed adequate for the completion of a doctoral degree (typically 3 years). As part of the assigned duties, there will be ample opportunity to conduct the independent scientific research necessary for the completion of a doctorate. The limitation complies to § 2, 1 WissZeitVG.
A qualified, excellent degree in Psychology (Master, Diploma, or comparable) is required. We expect you to be highly interested in research questions on Biopsychological Personality, Fear- and/or Learning Research. We expect very good knowledge of Experimental Psychology and very good English language skills. Prior experience in the publication and presentation of research findings, programming skills (e.g. Matlab, Presentation, R), as well as methodological skills in the field of Psychophysiology (esp. EEG) are advantageous. We further expect your willingness to conduct the independent scientific research necessary for the completion of a doctorate (e.g. in the field of Biopsychological Fear Research).
Applicants are invited to contact Prof. Dr. Erik Mueller at for more information.
We actively support the professional development of junior researchers, e.g. by a possible integration in the Department of Psychology’s RTG 2271, the offers of Marburg Research Academy (MARA), the International Office, the Higher Education Didactics Office and the Human Resources Development Office.
We support women and strongly encourage them to apply. In areas where women are underrepresented, female applicants will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. Applicants with children are welcome – Philipps-University is certified as a family-friendly university. Sharing a full-time position (§ 8 Abs. 2 S. 1 HGlG) as well as a reduction of working time is possible. Applicants with a disability as described in SGB IX (§ 2 Abs. 2, 3) will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. Application and interview costs cannot be refunded.
Please send your application to Prof. Dr. Erik Müller, only as a single PDF file to, until May 4, 2018.
Posted: April 23, 2018
Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Cornell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine
We are seeking a research postdoctoral fellow with substantial EEG training to work on studies of suicidal middle-aged and older adults, and on studies on late-life depression and cognitive impairment funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute on Aging, under the supervision of Dr. Dimitris Kiosses. The position is for 1 year and may be extended up to 2 years.
Applicants must have experience with EEG acquisition, processing, and analysis and will be responsible for training research assistants and overseeing EEG procedures for the different studies. Experience with Brain Vision Analyzer and coding for Presentation and Matlab software is highly desired.
Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. in psychology or other related disciplines and completed a pre-doctoral internship, both from APA-accredited programs. Candidates with a track record of research productivity are strongly preferred.
Position is to start as soon as possible. Interested applicants should email their CV and a statement of postdoctoral and career goals to Laurie Evans at: Please note that a writing sample and letters of reference may be requested at a later date.
Posted: April 19, 2018
PhD Student at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
The Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg offers an open position for a PhD student at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Dept. of Neuropsychology
salary group: 13 TV-L
start of position: 01.06.2018
duration: 3 years
time: 65%
The candidate shall contribute substantially to the project “Genome-wide association study with electrophysiological correlates of human performance monitoring”, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Markus Ullsperger and Dr. Tilmann Klein.
The project is embedded in Prof. Ullsperger’s lab’s general research line. The team is multidisciplinary and combines a broad variety of cognitive neuroscience methods. The Department of Neuropsychology and Magdeburg in general offer cognitive neuroscientists a unique, multidisciplinary working and learning environment with opportunities for developing expertise in a diversity of research areas and techniques. Four MRI scanners (7T, 3T), several (MR-compatible) EEG systems, an MEG system, TMS and high-performance computational facilities are available.
The successful applicant will be given the possibility to obtain a doctoral degree in natural sciences.
- an excellent Diploma/Master degree; major disciplines psychology, medicine, neuroscience, neurobiology or related subjects
- experience with EEG, and/or analysis of behavioral data concerning cognitive processes is advantageous
- interest in/experience with research on performance monitoring, cognitive control, decision making, learning in humans.
Content-related questions should be directed to: Prof. Dr. Markus Ullsperger, e-mail: or Dr. Tilmann Klein, e-mail:
Applications by women are especially welcome. Applicants with a severe disability will receive preferential consideration if their qualifications and experience are equal to those of Applications from disabled persons will be given priority in the case of equal suitability, ability and professional expertise. The Otto von Guericke University aims to increase the proportion of women researchers within the university and specifically encourages women to apply.
Please send your complete application (cover letter, curriculum vitae, references) quoting reference number 96/2018 by May 2nd, 2018 (date of receipt of application) to the address below or via e-mail (all documents concatenated in one pdf):
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Dezernat Personalwesen
Postfach 4120, 39016 Magdeburg, Germany
Posted: April 12, 2018
Post-Doc at The Child Development Laboratory
The Child Development Laboratory (CDL) led by Dr. Nathan A. Fox is looking for a post-doc to work on developmental cognitive neuroscience research leveraging fNIRS and high-density EEG.
The focus of the CDL is on the development of typical and atypical cognitive and socio-emotional processing, with an emphasis on understanding neural systems supporting the human mirroring system, attention and cognitive control. The lab maintains close collaborations with researchers at the neighbouring National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) with Amir H. Gandjbakhche, Ph.D., Chief, Section on Analytical and Functional Biophotonics and Daniel Pine, MD, Chief Section on Developmental Affective Neuroscience, NIMH.
Candidates with a strong background in EEG and/or fNIRS will be most suited for the job. Prior programming experience (e.g. Matlab or Python) is a requirement. Psychologists, cognitive neuroscientists and other candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. Prior experience with developmental populations is not a requirement, but an interest in pursuing developmental research is expected.
Start date is flexible. Interested candidates should submit a CV, research statement, preprints/reprints of papers, and the names and contact information for two references. Please email these materials to:
Nathan Fox, and George Buzzell
Posted: April 12, 2018
Post-Doctoral Research Scientist
The Psychophysiology Laboratory at New York State Psychiatric Institute and the Department of Psychiatry of Columbia University (Area: Epidemiology and Population Science) is seeking a full-time, enthusiastic, post-doctoral research scientist. The laboratory conducts research on cognitive and neurophysiological function in schizophrenia and depressive disorders and will become part of a newly-created EEG core at NYSPI. Employment is guaranteed for 1 year, with the intent to extend this position pending on funding availability. If you wish to apply, please apply through this link, in the box that says “Apply Now”: Only applications submitted through this link will be considered. The position will remain open until an appropriate candidate is identified.
DUTIES: The position is for an individual with extensive experience in electrophysiologic methods, particularly event-related potentials (ERPs), EEG oscillations and time-frequency analysis. The candidate will be interested in applying these methods to studies in psychiatric patients (depression and schizophrenia) and healthy populations. Duties include development and/or modification of Matlab scripts (EEGLAB), analyses of existing EEG/ERP data, scholarly dissemination of findings, and creatively contributing to a team of experienced electrophysiologists and researchers.
EDUCATION: The applicant should have a PhD degree in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience or a related discipline, and experience conducting cognitive and/or electrophysiologic research. Expertise in time-frequency analysis using EEGLAB and/or Matlab is essential, working knowledge of reference-free analytic approaches (inverse modeling, scalp current source density) and multivariate data decomposition (PCA, ICA) is desirable, and familiarity with other programming languages (Pascal, C++, Python) and/or statistical packages (SPSS, R, mPlus, BMDP) is an additional asset. Preference will be given to individuals interested in pursuing a research career in Psychopathology, Cognitive Neuroscience, and/or Psychophysiology who are eager and determined to acquire research funding.
BACKGROUND: The positions will be linked to several ongoing research projects, including two 2-yr NIMH-funded studies. One project, EEG/ERP Measures of Attention and Cognitive Control During New Auditory WM Tasks, employs behavioral measures in combination with event-related potentials (ERPs) and oscillations (EROs) to dissociate perceptual, attentional and cognitive control processes and investigate how impairments in these functions affect cognitive processing in schizophrenia. A second project, MDD Treatment Response and Functional Connectivity of Brain Regions via Reference-free EEG: Further Development and Integration of Biomarkers Using Multisite EMBARC, seeks to delineate the relationship of posterior alpha current source density (CSD) and rostral anterior cingulate cortex theta current density (LORETA). Additional engagement in two other projects that investigate EEG biomarkers in a longitudinal study of families at high risk for major depressive disorder is expected. The candidate will have multiple opportunities to be part of ongoing basic and clinical research activities.
LOCATION: New York Psychiatric Institute, 1051 Riverside Drive, Room #3508, New York, NY 10032 (Psychophysiology Laboratory; Dr. Jürgen Kayser)
Posted: April 10, 2018
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Affective and Cognitive Neuroscience
This position is associated with an NIH-funded project studying biomarkers of affect and motivation that act to protect memory. This project studies how affect and motivation influence memory and health using both basic and pathophysiological systems neuroscience approaches. You will work directly with Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD, as well as an array of co-investigators (Brad Dickerson, MD, Derek Isaacowitz, PhD, and Karen Quigley, PhD) whose expertise range across psychology, psychophysiology, neurology, and engineering. Mentorship will be provided to facilitate the transition to an independent research career.
- Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Psychology, Engineering or a related field with a background in affective, cognitive, social, health or systems neuroscience.
- Established quantitative and statistical skills using neuroimaging analysis platforms.
- Excellent writing skills and a strong motivation to publish, along with a demonstrated capacity to produce first author publications.
Programming and comfort with diverse computing environments, as well as experience with graph theory, network analysis, and/or machine learning modeling confer a significant advantage.
This is a two to four year term position with opportunities for training in human systems neuroscience, translational/clinical applications and diverse integrated imaging and brain mapping methodologies. Applications including a cover letter, a CV, and names of three references must be sent by email to Drs. Barrett, Isaacowitz and Dickerson via Joseph Fridman, study coordinator (, and also submitted to the Northeastern hiring portal at
Expected start date: Summer 2018
Posted: April 9, 2018
The Clinical Psychophysiology and Risk (CPR) Lab invites applications for a post-doctoral fellowship in psychophysiology and internalizing psychopathology. The CPR Lab is directed by Greg Hajcak and located in the Department of Psychology at Florida State University in beautiful Tallahassee, Florida.
We are recruiting a post-doctoral fellow, and the primary responsibilities will be a combination of data analytics and manuscript preparation. The position includes a 1:0 teaching assignment (1 undergraduate or graduate course per academic year); the research portion involves analyzing EEG/ERP data from large and longitudinal projects, as well as manuscript preparation.
Successful candidates will have a PhD (by the start date) in Psychology or a related field, and a strong background in psychophysiology. Start date is August 2018, but may be earlier/later based on candidate availability/preference.
Review of applications begins immediately. Starting salary is $48,000. Applicants should provide CV, letter of interest, and names and contact information for three individuals for whom letters of recommendation could be solicited (with names and contact info to be submitted through the application site). Applicants should apply at (Job ID # 43261).
Inquiries may be directed to Dr. Greg Hajcak at
An Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer.
FSU’s Equal Opportunity Statement can be viewed at:
Posted: April 3, 2018
Lecturer or Assistant Professor in the field of Clinical Psychology
DEPARTMENT OF PCHYCOLOGY at the University of Cyprus
One (1) position at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor in the field of:
“Clinical Psychology”
The successful candidate must meet the following requirements:
For these academic ranks, an earned doctorate from a recognized University in the Specialty of Clinical Psychology is required. The candidate must be licensed or eligible to become licensed as a Specialist Psychologist in Clinical Psychology in the Registry of Licensed Psychologists in Cyprus. Research in any area of clinical psychology, with any age range, including research in psychotherapy, psychopathology, serious psychopathology and treatment, clinical neuropsychology, psychometric clinical assessment, design of empirically validated interventions, e-health etc.
For all academic ranks, an earned Doctorate from a recognized University is required.
For details
Posted: March 30, 2018
Traumatic Brain Injury Scientists
Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (MRRI) seeks a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) researcher with an excellent clinical research record or exceptional promise for an independent research career.
The successful candidate will have a doctoral degree in clinical neuropsychology, rehabilitation psychology, rehabilitation science, rehabilitation medicine, neuroscience, or an affiliated discipline, and a strong track record of specialization in TBI. Rank and specific interests are open, but preference will be given to mid-career scientists and to those with interest in moderate to severe TBI.
MRRI encourages both cognitive neuroscience and applied clinical research along the translational “pipeline” including neuroimaging, development of novel assessment techniques, and research on behavioral and pharmacologic treatments. MRRI faculty enjoy extensive collaborative networks, both locally (e.g., at University of Pennsylvania) and nationally in the TBI Model System program, to which MRRI has belonged since 1997. Commensurate with experience, the new TBI scientist may have opportunities to assume leadership roles in the Moss TBI Model System and in other government-funded projects.
MRRI is internationally known for its theory driven program of basic and applied neurorehabilitation research, and its strong tradition of collaborative multidisciplinary research. Large and well known clinical programs in neurorehabilitation at MossRehab provide a large participant population and rich opportunities for clinical/research integration. MRRI maintains a registry of 2,000 individuals who are interested in participating in neurorehabilitation research, and the Moss TBI Model System database includes over 1,000 well characterized participants who have agreed to be contacted for future projects.
MRRI’s convenient location in the Philadelphia area is a short trip to New York City, Baltimore, and Washington. Extremely affordable for a northeastern city of its size, Philadelphia is rich in cultural opportunities and home to numerous colleges and academic medical centers, providing MRRI scientists with extensive opportunities for mentoring and scientific collaboration.
Einstein Healthcare Network is proud to offer our employees outstanding career opportunities, including competitive compensation, attractive benefits plan including medical/dental/vision coverage, generous vacation time, and tuition reimbursement.
Interested candidates may submit a cover letter describing current research programs and proposed future directions in the MRRI environment, along with CV to: Kevin Whelihan, Research Administrator; MRRI, MossRehab @ Elkins Park, 50 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027 or .
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. We also welcome informal approaches by email or phone that begin a conversation that may eventually lead to an application; such inquiries can be directed to John Whyte, MD, PhD, director of MRRI (, or other MRRI faculty.
Posted: March 27, 2018
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Mental Health
Intramural Research Program
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Position Description:
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a major research component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is seeking exceptional candidates for a Post-Doctoral Fellow position in the Intramural Research Programs (IRP), in the Section on The Neurobiology of Fear and Anxiety (SNFA), headed by Dr. Christian Grillon.
The mission of the SNFA within the NIMH, Division of Intramural Programs (NIMH DIRP), is to increase scientific knowledge about the nature, prevention, and treatment of anxiety disorders. SFNA investigates cognitive, behavioral, and biological risk factors and correlates of anxiety. Information gained from this research will lead to a better understanding of brain dysfunction in anxiety disorders, and to the development and evaluation of new therapeutic strategies.
A Post-Doctoral Fellow position is available for a highly motivated individual interested in brain and behavior relationships. The research position will focus on exploring neural mechanisms of fear and anxiety and their interactions with cognitive processes in humans using neuroimaging approaches.
Applicant must have an MD, PhD or equivalent doctoral degree, ideally in Cognitive Neuroscience or Computational Neuroscience or related discipline. Candidates must have thorough knowledge of fMRI techniques. A focus on research in the areas of affective neuroscience, fear, anxiety, emotion, and fear conditioning in human is preferred, and experience with computational modeling is desirable.
Screening for the post-Doctoral position will begin immediately. The position will remain open until filled, with an initial 2 years appointment (renewable up to 5 years).
NIMH is a major research component of the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services, which have nationwide responsibility for improving the health and well being of all Americans. Interested applicants should send curriculum vitae, statement or research interests, representative publications, and two letters of references to Christian Grillon, NIMH/MAP, 15K North Drive, Bldg 15K, MSC 2670, Bethesda MD 20892-2670 or email to
This position is subject to a background investigation.
NIH and DHHS are Equal Opportunity Employers.
Posted: March 26, 2018
Postdoctoral Fellow in Affective, Cognitive and Aging Neuroscience
Degree and area of specialization:
Ph.D. in Neuroscience or Psychology
Experience in neuroimaging research in emotion, cognition, and/or aging preferred.
Minimum number of years and type of relevant work experience:
- Demonstrated experience in neuroimaging.
- Experience with multi-modal imaging including functional, resting state, diffusion weighted, and structural preferred.
- Statistical acumen in analyzing neuroimaging data and programming expertise.
- Demonstrated experience in scientific communication including speaking and publishing.
- Excellent organizational, project management, interpersonal, writing and communication skills.
- Adaptable; self-motivated.
- Team player who possesses a passion for CHM mission/core values.
- Some prior post-doctoral experience.
- Experience with psychophysiological data including heart rate variability, skin conductance, pupilometry, and/or eye tracking.
Principal duties:
The Center for Healthy Minds (CHM) was founded and is led by neuroscientist Richard J. Davidson. CHM’s mission is to cultivate well-being and relieve suffering through a scientific understanding of the mind. CHM is a leader in rigorous, interdisciplinary basic and translational research aimed at understanding the mind and how to nurture well-being in ourselves and others. CHM communicates these findings to the world, inspires scientists to conduct further research, and influences a shift in culture to embrace well-being.
The successful candidate will play a key role analyzing both extant and new neuroimaging data in relation to sociodemographic, behavioral, cognitive, and biomarker data from the Midlife in the US (MIDUS; national longitudinal study.
Additional information: Expected position duration is two years with potential for renewal based on funding and performance.
UW-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply.
To apply please send cover letter and CV to: Mike Kelly,, (608) 890-1115
Posted: March 22, 2018
Project Coordinator/Lab Manager, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
The Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri is seeking applications for a Bachelor’s degree-level Research Specialist I, to work with Drs. Bruce Bartholow and Thomas Piasecki.
We are seeking a motivated, highly organized, post-Bachelor’s degree individual to work as a project coordinator for a NIH-funded research project (R01) aimed at clarifying psychological mechanisms associated with risk for heavy drinking and alcohol use disorder among emerging adults (ages 18-22). The project will involve recruitment and assessment of 420 participants, each of whom will complete multiple laboratory sessions (psychophysiological and behavioral assessments) and daily reports of alcohol use and related behaviors (ecological momentary assessments) over the course of several years. The primary goal of the project is to understand the extent to which reactivity to alcohol-related cues in the laboratory predicts responses to alcohol and drinking behaviors in participants’ natural environments. The project will last five years; applicants must be willing to commit to at least two years for this position.
Primary job duties for this position will include: monitoring participant recruitment efforts; scheduling participants for lab sessions; creating databases of participant information; managing undergraduate research assistants; helping to run laboratory sessions (will include learning experimental procedures and psychophysiological recording and data processing); organizing and keeping track of all project-related information, including data back-ups and participant tracking and re-contact; ordering lab supplies; keeping track of project expenditures; and general assistance with day-to-day lab operations.
Qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent combination of education and relevant experience; one year of prior experience working in a research lab; proficiency with spreadsheets; ability to interact well with others, including both lab members and participants; and a high level of organizational ability. We ask that applications be limited to only individuals willing to commit to this position for at least two years.
Starting salary is $15.29 per hour ($30,213 per year); this position is benefits-eligible.
To apply, please email a CV/resume, a cover letter outlining your interests and qualifications, and two to three references to Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
Posted: March 22, 2018
Senior Scientist, Austin, TX
A Senior Scientist is being sought for a private neuromarketing and media research company headquartered in Austin, Texas.
MediaScience® is looking for a researcher with extensive experience in psychophysiology and biometric measurement and data analysis. Experience with electroencephalographical (EEG) measurement (such as event-related potentials), electrodermal activity/galvanic skin response (EDA/GSR), heart rate (HR), eye tracking, and facial coding is highly desired. A focus on quantitative research, and academic English skills in written and oral communication are also preferred. Applicants must have an established and extensive track record in this area, with at least 10+ years of experience. A Ph.D. in neuroscience, psychology, (or related field) is expected.
Job Requirements:
- Extensive publication record in psychophysiology research
- 10+ years of experience in psychophysiology research
- Expertise with EDA/HR equipment, data collection, processing, & analyses
- Experience with EEG equipment, data collection, data processing, and data analysis
- Experience with Eye Tracking equipment, data collection, data processing, and data analysis
- Strong proficiency with Matlab
- Strong statistical analysis skills
- Professional demeanor
- Positive attitude
- Experience leading and supervising a research team
- Ability to promote a team-driven environment
Pay and Hours
The Senior Scientist role is a full-time position and will work 40 hours per week. Pay is commensurate with experience and skills. The lab is open 7 days per week, from 8:30AM to 9:00PM, so shift flexibility can be discussed if desired.
Applicants are currently being considered to fill one full-time position. If you are interested, please email the following to with “Senior Scientist” in the job description:
- Why you are interested in this position
- Your resume or C.V.
- First available start date
- Any U.S. work authorizations or permits required
About MediaScience®
MediaScience® conducts research for major television and media companies such as ESPN, Facebook, NBC, A&E, and Hulu, as well as national advertisers. We apply the rigor of experimental research to the evaluation of various media and advertising platforms using a variety of research tools and methods including psychophysiology, eye tracking, facial coding, response latency testing, and survey. We are always exploring additional new methods that might complement our toolbox. MediaScience® offers a variety of benefits including health insurance, retirement, and more.
Posted: March 8, 2018
Research Project Manager, Austin, TX
A Research Project Manager is being sought for a private neuromarketing and media research company headquartered in Austin, Texas ( MediaScience® conducts research for major television and media companies such as ESPN, ABC, Facebook, and Hulu, as well as national advertisers. We apply the rigor of experimental research to the evaluation of various media and advertising platforms using a variety of research tools and methods including psychophysiology, eye tracking, facial coding, reaction time, and survey.
MediaScience® is looking for a Research Project Manager who is responsible for managing media research studies from start to finish. A Master’s degree or Ph.D. in psychology (or related field) is required.
- Schedule and lead study planning meetings
- Monitor study preparation to ensure deadlines are met
- Design surveys
- Direct lead scientists in data analytic strategies
- Identify trends in research findings
- Compile research findings into industry-friendly final reports to be delivered to clients
- Provide deadlines for various teams related to each stage of the project
- Help design online survey instruments
- Extensive experience conducting experimental research
- Project management experience
- Experience analyzing data and interpreting results
- Strong PowerPoint skills; data visualization skills a plus
- Survey design experience
- Strong communication skills and ability to multi-task
- Meticulous attention to detail
- A professional demeanor and positive attitude
- Applicants with experience in psychophysiology, eye tracking, facial coding, and/or reaction time measures will be strongly considered for the position (but this experience is not required)
Pay and Hours
The Research Project Manager is a full-time position and will be scheduled for 40 hours per week. Pay is commensurate with experience. A variety of benefits are available and include medical, dental, vision, 401k, gym membership, and more.
Applicants are currently being considered to immediately fill one full-time position. If you are interested, please email the following to with “Research Project Manager” in the job description:
- Why you are interested in this position
- Your resume or C.V.
- Start date (Immediate opening)
Posted: March 8, 2018
Postdoctoral Neuroimaging Fellowship
Job Title: Postdoctoral Neuroimaging Fellowship
Department: Clinical Psychology, Palo Alto University
Reports to: Stacie L. Warren, PhD, and Tilman Schulte, PhD
The Clinical Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Program directed by Stacie L. Warren, PhD, and Tilman Schulte, PhD, at Palo Alto University is seeking a neuroimaging postdoctoral scholar. This is an exciting opportunity to work on a range of cognitive and affective studies that focus on executive function, emotion regulation, stress responsivity, reward processing, and aging on neural circuitry. Populations of interest include healthy adults, adults with or at risk for developing psychopathology, and neurological disorders.
The postdoctoral fellow’s primary responsibility is to analyze neuroimaging data (resting-state and task-based fMRI) and to develop and apply novel data analysis techniques. Additionally, Drs. Warren and Schulte are committed to fostering the postdoctoral scholar’s research independence through first-authored manuscript writing and grant preparation.
The start date of the position is as soon as possible, but no later than August 1, 2018.
Essential Functions
- Analyzing neuroimaging data
- Developing and implementing statistical/mathematical modeling (e.g., machine learning algorithms) to characterize high-dimensional datasets
- Improving software/scripts that implement algorithms for data quality control, preprocessing, analysis, and management
- Manuscript development
- PhD in psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, computational neuroscience, bioinformatics, or a related field by the time of appointment
- Strong background in quantitative analysis
- Proficiency with at least one neuroimaging analysis software package (e.g., FSL, SPM, Freesurfer, AFNI, etc.)
- Proficiency in programming (e.g., Matlab, Python, C/C++, java) and/or shell scripting
- Proficiency with Linux OS and file system
- Experience with any of the following: signal and image processing, machine learning, statistical/mathematical modeling
- Excellent analytical, interpersonal, organizational, and spoken/written English communication skills are expected
- A two-year commitment is required
This is a full-time position with a competitive salary and benefits. To apply, send your CV (including 3 academic references), and a cover letter stating your interests and qualifications to Review of applications will begin immediately.
Posted: February 27, 2018
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Affective and Cognitive Neuroscience
This position is associated with an NIH-funded project studying biomarkers of affect and motivation that act to protect memory. This project studies how affect and motivation influence memory and health using both basic and pathophysiological systems neuroscience approaches. You will work directly with Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD, as well as an array of co-investigators (Brad Dickerson, MD, Derek Isaacowitz, PhD, and Karen Quigley, PhD) whose expertise range across psychology, psychophysiology, neurology, and engineering. Mentorship will be provided to facilitate the transition to an independent research career.
- Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Psychology, Engineering or a related field with a background in affective, cognitive, social, health or systems neuroscience.
- Established quantitative and statistical skills using neuroimaging analysis platforms.
- Excellent writing skills and a strong motivation to publish, along with a demonstrated capacity to produce first author publications.
Programming and comfort with diverse computing environments, as well as experience with graph theory, network analysis, and/or machine learning modeling confer a significant advantage.
This is a two to four year term position with opportunities for training in human systems neuroscience, translational/clinical applications and diverse integrated imaging and brain mapping methodologies. Applications including a cover letter, a CV, and names of three references must be sent by email to Drs. Barrett, Isaacowitz and Dickerson via Joseph Fridman, study coordinator (, and also submitted to the Northeastern hiring portal at
Expected start date: Spring 2018
Posted: February 27, 2018
Postdoctoral Fellow Position at Stony Brook University
Stony Brook University seeks a full-time postdoctoral fellow to conduct research with Drs. Roman Kotov (Psychiatry and Psychology) and Daniel Klein (Psychology). Duration and start time are negotiable.
We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to collaborate on the Adolescent Development of Emotions and Personality Traits (ADEPT) project, a longitudinal investigation that begun in 2012. A cohort of 550 girls (age 14) was followed to the end of adolescence, completing 5 assessment waves. We are now planning to follow participants through young adulthood, completing additional 4 waves. This will enable us to model trajectories of psychopathology (internalizing and externalizing) and related mechanisms across 10 years. Extensive longitudinal data are already available on first onsets of various disorders, broad range of symptoms, personality traits, stressors, neural processes (ERP and fMRI), and other biomarkers (cortisol, inflammation).
Transcriptome-wide gene expression will be investigated in new waves.
The fellow will primarily be responsible for supervising staff, conducting analyses, preparing manuscripts, and writing grants. Ongoing training will be available in statistical methods, grantsmanship, and substantive questions related to psychopathology, personality, and biological mechanisms. Clinical opportunities (e.g., conducting diagnostic interviews) are also available, as well as supervision meeting licensure requirements. Stony Brook University is a highly collaborative environment with close relationships between psychology, psychiatry, neurobiology, and applied math departments.
Qualifications include a 1) doctoral degree, 2) demonstrated expertise in advanced multivariate statistics and in psychopathology, as well as 3) a minimum of two first-authored publications. Familiarity with diagnostic interviewing, biological data (neural or genetic), and experience coordinating externally-funded studies are highly desired.
To apply, please email Roman Kotov ( with your CV and contact information of three references. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Posted: February 19, 2018
Post-Doctoral Research Associate – Psychology (Job ID #92434)
Department: Psychology
Close Date: 03/25/2018
Here is the link to UIC Human Resources for folks to apply. Review of applications will begin immediately
Dr. Stewart Shankman is looking to hire a full-time Post-Doctoral Research Associate with special expertise in electrophysiology (and perhaps neuroimaging) at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Dr. Shankman directs the Chicago Laboratory of Emotion and Physiology, a multidisciplinary research laboratory housed in the Department of Psychology. This position is anticipated to start May 2018 (or potentially sooner).
The Post-Doctoral Research Specialist will work on several NIH funded studies that are examining mechanisms for internalizing psychopathologies (e.g., depression and anxiety) and the relation between internalizing and externalizing disorders. The successful candidate will have the unique opportunity to work on several multi-method (e.g., psychophysiology, neuroimaging, behavior) projects, while gaining knowledge of psychopathology and mental health research. The postdoctoral associate will help analyze psychophysiological data, prepare grants, and write manuscripts from current projects as well as other existing datasets. Strong organizational, oral communication, and written communication is required. The appointment is for one year with the possibility of renewal.
A doctoral degree in neuroscience, psychology, public health or a related field with a concentration in cognitive or affective neuroscience is required. Experience working with and analyzing ERP/EEG data is also required. Expertise in sophisticated electrophysiological methodologies (e.g., time frequency decomposition, source localization, etc.) is a plus. Additionally, it is essential that the candidate has the ability to manage multiple tasks, has strong interpersonal skills, and carries him/herself in a professional manner.
When applying, please include a CV, cover letter (outlining your research experiences), and list of 3 references.
The University of Illinois at Chicago is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse pluralistic faculty and staff committed to teaching in a multicultural environment. We strongly encourage applications from women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and covered veterans. The University may conduct background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer. Background checks will be conducted in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Posted: February 16, 2018
Full-Time Clinical Research Postdoctoral Position
Candidates are now being considered for a full-time clinical research Postdoctoral position in Dr. Matthew Lerner’s Social Competence & Treatment Lab in the Department of Psychology at Stony Brook University.
The Postdoctoral Associate will participate in multiple NIMH R01-funded studies examining mechanisms of, as well as treating social deficits among individuals with and without autism spectrum disorder.
The Associate will participate in studies involving electrophysiological (EEG) data collection, lab and school-based social, cognitive, and diagnostic assessment, and clinical report-writing. In addition, he/she will have clinical and research opportunities to participate in and help manage a randomized controlled trial of two interventions for this population. Substantial opportunities to participate in scholarly endeavors (overseeing lab staff, graduate and undergraduate students; data analysis; manuscript preparation and publication) are key features of this position as well.
Incumbent must have outstanding written, verbal, and interpersonal communication skills, experience successfully working independently as well as part of a team with a collaborative approach to problem solving, strong organizational and time management skills with exceptional attention to detail.
Please feel free to contact Dr. Matthew Lerner directly with questions!
For more information and to apply, please see here.
Additional details below:
Required Qualifications:
Doctoral degree in clinical psychology or related field, to be obtained no later than September 1, 2018. Clinical and research experience with individuals with autism spectrum disorder as an undergraduate, graduate student or post graduate. Ability to demonstrate professional competence in research activities.
Preferred Qualifications:
Experience working with children and/or families. Experience with clinical assessment report-writing with individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Experience working as an interventionist with individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Experience with EEG data collection. Experience interfacing with schools
Brief Description of Duties:
The Postdoctoral Associate will be responsible for the following duties:
- Managing and overseeing school- and lab-based (behavioral and EEG-based) data collection
- Training and supervision of research assistants and graduate students
- Data analysis and manuscript writing
- Writing and supervising clinical assessment reports
- Supervising administration of interventions
- Coordinating contact with schools & families
- Assist with managing logistics of studies (lab materials, ordering, and data)
- Assist with IRB compliance, progress reports
- Other duties or projects as assigned
Special Notes: The Research Foundation of SUNY is a private educational corporation. Employment is subject to the Research Foundation policies and procedures, sponsor guidelines and the availability of funding. FLSA Exempt position, not eligible for the overtime provisions of the FLSA. Minimum salary threshold must be met to maintain FLSA exemption.
Stony Brook University is 100% tobacco-free as of January 1, 2016. See our policy and learn more at
About Stony Brook:
Stony Brook University, home to many highly ranked graduate research programs, is located 60 miles from New York City on Long Island’s scenic North Shore. Our 1,100-acre campus is home to 24,000 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students and more than 13,500 faculty and staff. SBU is a comprehensive research-intensive university and a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU), which includes 34 public universities among its 62 members. SBU consists of 12 schools and colleges and a teaching hospital that provides state-of-the-art healthcare in the Long Island region. SBU also manages and performs joint research with Brookhaven National Laboratory, the only Department of Energy Laboratory in the Northeast, and shares doctoral programs with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a world-renowned molecular biology institute. Home to the Emerson String Quartet, the Jackson Pollack House in East Hampton, New York, the Humanities Institute, and the Southampton Arts Program, and with endeavors that extend to the Turkana Basin Institute in Kenya and the Ranomafana National Park in Madagascar, SBU sustains an international reputation that cuts across the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
Equal Opportunity Employer, females, minorities, disabled, veterans.
If you need a disability related accommodation, please call the University Human Resource Services Department at (631) 632- 6161 or the University Hospital Human Resources Department at (631) 444-4700. In accordance with the Title II Crime Awareness and Security Act, a copy of our crime statistics is available upon request by calling (631) 632- 6350. It can also be viewed on line at the University Police website at
Posted: January 24, 2018
Training opportunities concern elucidation of psychosocial and behavioral factors leading to cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. Topics include: childhood origins of cardiovascular risk; personality, stress, and social processes; role of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender and sleep; biological mechanisms underlying disease risk; genetic influences; and psychosocial interventions. Program is a mentor-based model with formal didactic work in areas relevant to research focus, e.g., statistics, neuroimaging, cardiovascular and psychophysiological assessment, and cardiovascular disease, as well as practical training in grantsmanship, research ethics, and career development.
Training faculty include: Karen Matthews (Director), Matthew Muldoon (Co-Director), Emma Barinas-Mitchell, Cynthia Conklin, Esa Davis, Kirk Erickson, Daniel Forman, Peter Gianaros, Martica Hall, John Jakicic, J. Richard Jennings, Thomas Kamarck, Jordan Karp, Michele Levine, Stephen Manuck, Marsha Marcus, Anna Marsland, Kathleen McTigue, Kenneth Perkins, Bruce Rollman, Rebecca Thurston, Elizabeth Venditti, and Aidan Wright. More information on the program and faculty can be found at Applicant must be a US citizen or have permanent resident status in accordance with NIH regulations for an NRSA fellowship award.
Please include statement of research interests and proposed goals for the fellowship; curriculum vitae; and three letters of recommendation. Send applications to Dr. Karen Matthews, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, 3811 O’Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Email questions to EEO
Posted: January 9, 2018
Postdoctoral Fellow in Affective, Cognitive, and Aging Neuroscience
Degree and area of specialization:
Ph.D. in Neuroscience or Psychology
Experience in neuroimaging research in emotion, cognition, and/or aging preferred.
Minimum number of years and type of relevant work experience:
- Demonstrated experience in neuroimaging.
- Experience with multi-modal imaging including functional, resting state, diffusion weighted, and structural preferred.
- Statistical acumen in analyzing neuroimaging data and programming expertise.
- Demonstrated experience in scientific communication including speaking and publishing.
- Excellent organizational, project management, interpersonal, writing and communication skills.
- Adaptable; self-motivated.
- Team player who possesses a passion for CHM mission/core values.
- Some prior post-doctoral experience.
- Experience with psychophysiological data including heart rate variability, skin conductance, pupilometry, and/or eye tracking.
Principal duties:
The Center for Healthy Minds (CHM) was founded and is led by neuroscientist Richard J. Davidson. CHM’s mission is to cultivate well-being and relieve suffering through a scientific understanding of the mind. CHM is a leader in rigorous, interdisciplinary basic and translational research aimed at understanding the mind and how to nurture well-being in ourselves and others. CHM communicates these findings to the world, inspires scientists to conduct further research, and influences a shift in culture to embrace well-being.
The successful candidate will play a key role analyzing both extant and new neuroimaging data in relation to sociodemographic, behavioral, cognitive, and biomarker data from the Midlife in the US (MIDUS; national longitudinal study.
Additional information: Expected position duration is two years with potential for renewal based on funding and performance.
UW-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply.
To apply please send cover letter and CV to:
Mike Kelly,, (608) 890-1115
Posted: January 5, 2018
Fully-Funded PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences – Boston, MA
We are seeking applicants for a unique position that combines employment on an NSF funded research project with enrollment in an interdisciplinary PhD program in rehabilitation sciences with a specialization in developmental language disorders. The research position, in the Cognitive Neuroscience Group ( at the MGH Institute of Health Professions, involves working on projects focused on typical and atypical learning with an emphasis on elucidating the impaired learning mechanism in children with developmental language disorders. Research methods include Event Related Potentials (ERPs) and Eye-tracking.
The interdisciplinary PhD Program in Rehabilitation Sciences (, located at the MGH Institute of Health Professions, is primarily designed to train individuals who are already clinically certified in a rehabilitation-related field (including speech-language pathology) to conduct independent clinical research. The core-cohort of students is fully funded through a combination of tuition remission and stipends associated with research, clinical, or teaching-related assistantships/fellowships. Qualifications for this position include completion of a Master’s Degree in speech language pathology, ASHA clinical certification in speech-language pathology, clinical experience with developmental language disorders, acceptance to the MGH Institute of Health Professions PhD Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, and a commitment to doing research in developmental language disorders.
Interested individuals should send a resume and statement of interest to Dr. Yael Arbel (, the Cognitive Neuroscience Group at the MGH Institute of Health Professions.
Posted: January 2, 2018
Psychophysiology/EEG Researcher, Austin, TX
A Psychophysiology Researcher is being sought for a private neuromarketing and media research company headquartered in Austin, Texas.
MediaScience® is looking for a researcher with experience in psychophysiology and biometric measurement and data analysis. Experience with electroencephalographical (EEG) measurement (such as event-related potentials), electrodermal activity/galvanic skin response (EDA/GSR), and heart rate (HR) is highly desired. A focus on quantitative research, and academic English skills in written and oral communication are also preferred. Applicants must have hands-on lab experience with human participants and psychophysiological measurement equipment. A Ph.D. in neuroscience, psychology, (or related field) is preferred.
Job Requirements:
- Experience with psychophysiology research
- EEG equipment, data collection, data processing, and data analysis
- EDA/GSR equipment, data collection, processing, & analyses
- Strong proficiency with Matlab
- Strong statistical analysis skills
- Ability to work with large data sets
- An understanding of the value of all types of data collected
- A solid understanding of experimental procedures
- Meticulous attention to detail
- Professional demeanor
- Positive attitude
- High level of teamwork
- Ability to be thorough with even small tasks
- Willingness to learn
- Ability to multi-task and work against strict deadlines
Pay and Hours
The Psychophysiology Researcher is a full-time position and will work 40 hours per week. Pay is commensurate with experience and skills. The lab is open 7 days per week, from 8:30AM to 9:00PM, so shift flexibility can be discussed if desired.
Applicants are currently being considered to fill one full-time position. If you are interested, please email the following to with “Researcher” in the job description:
- Why you are interested in this position
- Your resume or C.V.
- First available start date
- Any U.S. work authorizations or permits required
About MediaScience®
MediaScience® conducts research for major television and media companies such as ESPN, Facebook, NBC, A&E, and Hulu, as well as national advertisers. We apply the rigor of experimental research to the evaluation of various media and advertising platforms using a variety of research tools and methods including psychophysiology, eye tracking, facial coding, response latency testing, and survey. We are always exploring additional new methods that might complement our toolbox. MediaScience® offers a variety of benefits including health insurance, retirement, and more.
Posted: December 19, 2017
The Michigan Medicine/VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (MICHMED/VAAAHS) Clinical Psychology Consortium is accepting applications for residencies in our APA-accredited training program. The program follows the scientist-practitioner model and emphasizes the training and development of psychologists in a rich interdisciplinary environment who will be able to assume leadership roles in research, teaching, and clinical service. Postdoctoral residents participate in a core curriculum, evidence-based clinical training, and focused mentored research in a range of areas including mood disorders; women’s mental health; sleep disorders and health psychology; anxiety and related disorders (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder); substance use disorders; psychotic disorders; primary care mental health integrations; and mental health recovery. For the 2017-2018 training year, we anticipate acceptance of four fellows into the consortium: 1 MICHMED adult resident, 2 VAAAHS adult residents, and 1 VAAAHS adult women’s mental health resident. For the MICHMED position, we have particular interest this year in applicants with research interests in schizophrenia and neuroimaging skills (fMRI and/or EEG/ERP), but will consider applicants with any of the above research focuses. Residencies are APA-accredited for one year, but opportunities for a second year of training are available in the MICHMED part of the Consortium. Applicants must have completed an APA-accredited doctoral program in Clinical Psychology and APA-accredited predoctoral internship by August 2018 to be considered.
Stipends range from $46,028 to $48,925 for 1st and 2nd year residents, respectively. Benefits include vacations, sick leave and options for health insurance. We especially invite and encourage applications from members of underrepresented groups. Michigan Medicine and the Department of Veterans Affairs are non-discriminatory/affirmative action employers. For up-to-date information and application materials, see the Consortium Web Page ( education/psychology/clinical-adult/). Deadline for applications is December 15, 2017. For further information about opportunities in the consortium, contact J. Todd Arnedt, Ph.D., MICHMED Training Program Director ( or Beau Nelson, Ph.D. VAAAHS Training Program Director ( For candidates interested in more information on the research program in psychotic disorders, please contact Ivy Tso, Ph.D. (