University hospital of Hamburg-Eppendorf- dr. Tina Lonsdorf
We are interested in a broad range of research topics and employ a variety of psychophysiological methods such as recording of SCR and EMG (both in and outside of the MR environment) as well as fMRI and MRI.
We are interested in affective neuroscience, individual differences and meta-research with a focus on experimental fear and anxiety. We also strive towards developing methods further and comparing different approaches to response quantification for SCR and EMG and optimizing different processing and data analysis paths for research on general processes vs. individual differences.
Students may bring their own research question or work on a methodological question.
In our lab, students can receive training on
– planning, designing and programming experiments (time-sync with psychophysiological recording equipment)
– conducting psychophysiological research in the behavioral lab
– analyzing psychophysiological data (EMG, SCR) with different tools (computer-assisted manual scoring, Autonomate, PsPM)
– coding in Matlab-packages and R
Any interested student this is enthusiastic about research is welcome to apply to join our lab! There are no strict rules on the duration of a lab visit or required skills or degrees – yet a duration of at least three months is highly recommended and longer durations are preferable.
Some experience with psychophysiological data acquisition and/or processing as well as general programming skills (Matlab, R) are advantageous but not required.
Interested students are expected to bring their own funding to cover expenses.
If you are interested, please contact Dr. Tina Lonsdorf (
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International office University of Hamburg
Hamburg is a beautiful city located in Northern Germany, a little less than an hour drive both the Baltic sea and the Northern see. Hamburg has lots of water (river Elbe, river Alster, “Binnenalster”) and lots of green. Hamburg has a large Harbor and even offers some sandy beaches. All locations are fairly easily reachable by public transportation.