We investigate neural processes that contribute to the development and maintenance of mental disorders with a focus on anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Herein, we focus on a wide range of psychophysiological methods including EEG, Startle EMG, SCR, and ECG, and Pupillometry. Exemplary processes under study are action monitoring (e.g., Error-Related Negativity), emotional learning (e.g., fear generalization in fear conditioning paradigms), threat anticipation (e.g., anxiety potentiated startle in the NPU-threat test), and reward processing (e.g., RewP in doors task). These processes are then linked to diagnostic categories or individual differences in dimensional traits that map on psychopathology or are used to predict symptom development.
- EEG: Acquisition and preprocessing using active / passive electrode systems. Analyses focusing on event-related potentials, (time-)frequency analyses
- EMG: Human startle reflex, acquisition and preprocessing (manual scoring/ automated pipeline)
- SCR: Acquisition and preprocessing (manual scoring / automated pipeline using Matlab)
- ECG: Acquisition and preprocessing using Brain Vision Analyzer or Kubios, analyses focusing on heart rate, heart rate variability, or fear bradycardia
- Pupillometry: Standard eye-tracking and pupil dilation
- Experiments: Planning, programming (Neurobs Presentation, PsychoPy, Matlab)
Enthusiastic students interested in research are invited to apply to join our lab! Visit duration can be individually discussed, but a minimum of three months is highly recommended, and longer durations are preferred. Some experience in psychophysiological data acquisition and/or processing and general programming skills (R) are advantageous but not required.
Interested students are expected to bring their own funding to cover expenses.
If you are interested, please contact Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel (
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